Find Out Which Region Is Going Crazy for Pickleball!

If you’ve been wondering which region is going crazy for pickleball, you’re in luck! Pickleball has been rapidly growing in popularity all over the world, and it’s no surprise that certain regions are going wild for the game To find out which region is going crazy for pickleball, read on!

The first region to go crazy for pickleball is the United States Pickleball is the fastest-growing game in the entire country, with more than 4 million people playing regularly It’s especially popular in the Midwest and the South, with cities like Dallas, Houston, and Minneapolis all hosting regular pickleball tournaments.

The second region to go crazy for pickleball is Canada North of the border, pickleball has become a popular pastime in all provinces and territories Everywhere from Alberta to Nova Scotia, pickleball clubs and leagues are popping up in all major cities.

The third region to go crazy for pickleball is the United Kingdom Pickleball is quickly becoming popular in the UK, with more and more people taking up the game each year The British Pickleball Association is growing in size and is actively working to promote pickleball in the country.

Finally, the fourth region to go crazy for pickleball is Australia Australia has seen an explosion of pickleball in recent years, with the sport now being played in all its major cities The Australian Pickleball Association has been instrumental in promoting the game and building up the sport’s popularity in the country.

So, there you have it! Those are the four regions that are going crazy for pickleball If you’re looking to join in on the fun, be sure to check out pickleball clubs and leagues in your area Who knows, you might even find yourself going crazy for pickleball too!